Find Your Self-Love

The Bravery in Trusting Jesus in life.

The Bravery in Trusting Jesus in our life.


Trusting in God And Rebuking Fear.

Life is unpredictable. You might feel like you are on top of the world one second and feel like everything is crushing you against the ground the next. There are many ups and downs. However, it is only when we trust in God that we manage to make it through. You might have heard that God only tests those He loves the most. But, what does it mean when He says that? It means that you need to trust God.  

When life is good, you can easily trust God to let things go your way. On the other hand, when things become too difficult, you could end up questioning whether you should even trust God. When we think about God’s unchanging character, we can establish a firm foundation for ourselves. It will help us remain firm and steady no matter what life throws at us.

“Behold, my God is salvation; I will only trust Him, and give no room to fear for the Lord is my strength and my song, and he is my salvation.” - Isaiah 12:2

If you ever feel doubt sneaking up in your life just recite this verse as a reminder. Remember the verse and keep it close to your heart. I pray that every time you meditate on this verse, fear and doubt will flee form your mind and a sense of calm like none other will come over you. Continue on the path to fully trusting God and don't forget to take your cross with you!

Trusting in God is something that we all need to work on as Christians. God has given us clear signs. However, we continue to let fear control our mind. But, trust is what always wins at the end of the day. So be brave, talk heart, and be ready for this battle called life! 

The Bravery in Trusting Jesus in our life.